All Employees

Cameron Sidebotham
Cameron Sidebotham

CEO / Outfitter

Age: 24

Hello, My name is Cameron, I started CDS Car Keys 2020 for my love of cars and starting a business, Since then I have 1 other employee and have 2 vans out on the road. Myself included

Daniel Cave
Daniel Cave

CTO / Lead Web Developer

Age: 24

Hello, My name is Dan, I am the current CTO for CDS and currently working on the website you are looking now. I am responsible for all the CDS services and overall website functionality.

James Shephard
James Shephard

Tech Outfitter

Age: 24

Hello, I'm James, i am a tech outfitter. I focus on ghost installation to keep all of your vehicles secure and working at their top shape.



Age: -1
